Why Women’s Health
Why Women’s Health? Honestly, it’s because of the picture you see above. I knew I was interested in women’s health as soon as my son was born.
As a physical therapist, I know that I am acutely aware of my body and how it’s functioning, but pregnancy was different. It wasn’t just that my shoulder hurt or I sprained my ankle. During pregnancy, I realized that my body was changing daily (it felt like hourly some days), and that it couldn’t function how it used to. This was really hard for me, and when I started to look for answers, I was surprised at how hard it was to find accurate, reliable information about all of the physical changes that arise secondary to pregnancy. And even as a physical therapist, a specialist in anatomy and movement dysfunction, I was humbled by the fact that I didn’t have many answers either.
After delivery, I was thankful that baby and I were healthy and safe, but I wished I had been more prepared for the physical aspects of labor. I immediately knew that there was MORE that could be done to prepare women for labor. And in the first few months of the postpartum stage, I was confused about what to do next. I knew my body was not ready to fully return to exercise at 6 weeks, but I wasn’t sure how to start. My personal pregnancy and postpartum journey led me on a deep dive into the pelvic health world.
Overall, I realized that women have questions and women deserve answers. Women deserve to have help learning more about the physical changes happening to their body and their pelvic floor during all life stages. Pain is not normal and pelvic floor symptoms are not just “part of it.” Again, there could be so much MORE for women.
So when you see content from me, I want you to know that I am putting content out there with the goal of helping at least one person. I don’t just want to see you survive your current life stage- whether its pregnancy, labor, postpartum, infertility, working from home, etc. I want to see you thrive. And for that reason, I am dedicated to learning more about women’s health, listening to what you need, and doing my best to equip and empower you to take care of you.
You were made to flourish. You deserve MORE.